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Meeting Type Settings

Context Configure Meeting Type Permissions Video Conferencing Meetings Phone Call Meetings ...

Add a Video in Profile

Context Create a Custom Field Contact Mentor Canada Support Team Mentors and Mentees Add a V...

Define Maximum Number of Mentors & Mentees per Match

Context Steps Context In this training article, we will explore how program administrato...

A Comprehensive Onboarding Strategy for Mentors and Mentees

Introduction Onboarding Strategy & Considerations Pre-launch Communication Template Intr...

Message Hub

Message Hub Message Hub  The message hub allow mentors and mentees to access all messages...

Troubleshooting Guide

The troubleshooting process provided below is a sample guide that Program Administrators  can use...

Messages Filter

Context Set Up Your Filtering Preferences Expand the Language Filter Review Flagged Messages...

Create and Send Surveys

Context Create a Survey Email the Survey Modify or Delete a Survey Make a Qui...

Activate & Customize the Badge Reward System

How does it work? Access the Badge Reward Description Make Changes to the Built-In Badge Rew...

Build Your Resource Centre

Context Define Resources' Categories Build the Resource Centre Context   The...

Import your Program Policies & Access the MentorCity Terms of Use/Privacy Policies

Context Steps Context Before onboarding mentors and mentees onto the virtual mentoring...

Build the Mentoring Agreement for Mentors & Mentees

Context Modify the Mentoring Agreement Delete Questions from the Mentoring Agreement Add Que...

View & Manage Inquiries

Mentors/Youth Communication Mentors When a potential Mentor applies to a program, they will r...

Custom Dashboard Widgets

Context Create a Custom Widget Add a Custom Widget to the Dashboard Edit or Delete a Custom ...

Customize the Mentor & Mentee Dashboard

Introduction to the Mentor & Mentee Dashboard Customize the Dashboard Add a Sponsor to ...

Relationship Dashboard

Relationship Dashboard Customizing the Relationship Dashboard Relationship Settings Steps Se...

Profil de l'utilisateur: Guide rapide

À propos de la page du profil de l'utilisateur Comment accéder à la page de votre profil d'uti...

Comprendre les messages et les discussions privées en temps réel : Comment communiquer avec les autres utilisateurs

Introduction Partie 1 : Comprendre les messages et les discussions privées en temps réel Part...

Débuter: Interagir sur la page de la communauté

Accès aux sujets de discussion Création d’un sujet Commenter/répondre à une publication Ai...

Understanding Messages and Chats: How to Communicate with Other Users

Introduction Part 1: Understanding Messages and Chats Part 2: Sending a Message to Another Us...