Customize the Virtual Mentoring Platform
Introducing the Redesigned Administrator Dashboard
Context Organization Profile Progress Bar Progress Bar Visibility Navigating the New...
Relationship Dashboard
Relationship Dashboard Customizing the Relationship Dashboard Relationship Settings Steps Se...
Customize the Mentor & Mentee Dashboard
Introduction to the Mentor & Mentee Dashboard Customize the Dashboard Add a Sponsor to ...
Custom Dashboard Widgets
Context Create a Custom Widget Add a Custom Widget to the Dashboard Edit or Delete a Custom ...
Customize Mentors/Mentees Profile Fields & Drop-down Menus
Context Define Sections & Fields to Display Create Custom Profile Fields Delete/Change a C...
Build Your Resource Centre
Context Define Resources' Categories Build the Resource Centre Context The...
Messages Filter
Context Set Up Your Filtering Preferences Expand the Language Filter Review Flagged Messages...
Create and Send Surveys
Context Create a Survey Email the Survey Modify or Delete a Survey Make a Qui...
Customize the Program Evaluation
Context Activate the Program Evaluation System Generated Message Customize the Program Evalu...
Activate & Customize the Badge Reward System
How does it work? Access the Badge Reward Description Make Changes to the Built-In Badge Rew...